What You Got

Inventory Management App Case Study

Adding an item to the inventory management app

Project Overview

Viewing the recipe for Chicken Patties

Adding a recipe


The Product:

An inventory app for people of all professions and technical skill levels. it features analytics on item usage as well as the ability to create custom lists and add expiration so items don’t spoil. Target users are those that want to manage and track inventory of cooking ingredients.


September 2021 - January 2022

The Problem:

Many inventory apps these days are overloaded with features that can get confusing to the technologically incompetent portion of the population.

The Goal:

To create an inventory app with the most basic features as well as giving users the ability to mark expiration dates so they can reduce their food waste.

 My Contribution


My Role:

Researcher, Designer, Usability Test Conductor



Foundational Research, Conducting Interviews, User Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Mockups and Usability Testing

Understanding The User

• User Research • Personas • Problem Statements • User Journey Maps

 User Research



Research methods conducted include user interviews with six participants as well as extensively using the competitions products to get a better understanding of the how app should work and to establish a baseline of standard features.

Of the interviewed participants, two were professionals in the food industry with prior knowledge of managing restaurant inventories. Other participants have had experience managing inventories in different industries.

Personal assumptions prior to conducting research were that inventory analytics would not be important to most people. another assumption was that people would want a tab to create recipes and see how much inventory they have.

Pain Points

  1. Too Many Features

    Users said that most inventory apps on the market have many features that users didn’t need and found cumbersome.

  2. Lack of Analytics

    Most inventory apps don’t provide enough analytics options for users to really track their inventory usage.


 Persona: Tony


Tony is a Bakery Manager who needs to view inventory analytics because he needs to know what items run out the most

Persona card for the fictional user Tony

 Persona: Michelle


Michelle is a Personal Chef who needs to be able to create her own recipe’s in-app because her clients have allergies that require different ingredients

Fictional persona for Michelle who needs an inventory management app for clients

User Journey Map


The flow I wanted to simulate was creating and sharing a list. In the process, Michelle downloads and opens the app for the first time, from there she navigates to the Lists page and clicks the button to create a new list. From there she shares the list with other stakeholders.

User journey map for Michelle showing how she would create and share a list

Starting The Design

• Paper Wireframes • Digital Wireframes • Low-Fidelity Prototype • Usability Studies

 Paper Wireframes


I wanted the home screen to display the most critical information, chief among them being what items are out of stock. I toyed with having Analytics and Lists alongside the low stock.

First page of wireframes showing different possible layouts of the home page
A solitary wireframe of the final designs' layout

 Digital Wireframes


I wanted the home screen to display the most critical information, chief among them being what items are out of stock. I toyed with having Analytics and Lists alongside the low stock.

The digital wireframe of the home page showing out of stock and item analysis

I knew I need to add location and expiration to the items’ info because that data is crucial for users to know where things are kept, and also know when things go bad so they don’t hold off on using them.

Digital Wireframe of the add item screen for chocolate milk

 Low-Fidelity Prototype

The low fidelity prototype showing the connections between the pages

Usability Study: Findings


Round 1.

  1. Users want to add items to lists from the Inventory overview page

  2. Users will have a smoother experience with an introductory tutorial

  3. Users want to know where their items are sourced from

Round 2.

  1. Users think the colors could be more harmonious

  2. Users would like to have a database of grocery items they can select from

  3. Users want the app name in the header to link back to the home page

Refining The Design

• Mockups • High-Fidelity Prototype • Accessibility


The apps design before and after the second round of usability studies

I liked the idea of having to cards with the item info and decided to put a slightly artistic spin on it to try to keep things different

Usability study redesign of the Add Recipe page featuring the new colors

While I liked the layout of the recipe pages, a friend said I should revise my color scheme to something that clashed less. It was a journey picking new colors, but one I’m thankful for.

 High-Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype showing the connections of how users advance through the app

Accessibility Considerations



Confirmed that the colors were approved for web accessibility


Included settings for different languages due to the sprawling racial diversity of my city


Included an option to switch measurement units between imperial and metric

Going Forward

• Takeaways • Next Steps




“I need this app in my life” - from one of my study participants after she saw the options for location and expiration. She mentioned how often she ends up throwing away food because it spoiled because she remembered about it. This is part of the impact I want this app to have.

What I Learned:

I learned a lot about managing food waste and also about color selection and accessibility considerations regarding color. I also learned to notice the side pages and popups that go into apps.

Next Steps



One of the next steps I’d like to take with this project is the addition of a search bar. It will greatly benefit users to be able to search through their inventory instead of having to scroll to find the item they’re looking for.


Another addition I’d like this app to have is a barcode scanner with databases of products. Some users might not know an item by name and it will be easier for them to identify products with a picture.


The last addition I’d like to see with this app is the inclusion of more analysis options. It will be a great boon to users if they have more data about their usage and can also help reduce food waste.


Hanging Gardens Digital Menu